

Traditional Calculus texts vs. APEX Calculus

APEX Calculus was written to imitate the best features of traditional textbooks and fix many of the things professors have long disliked.

Consider the following list of features of APEX Calc, and think for yourself how each feature differs from a traditional calc text.

  • Digital version (PDF) is free, forever. Free HTML version is coming.

  • Costs $45 in print ($15 per volume, probably paid for over the course of three semesters)

  • New versions/editions produced with minimal changes, only to improve text.

  • Each volume is about 300 pages long & weighs about 2lbs. Fits in a backpack and is easily brought to class.

  • Bookstores will sell text & buy back from students. (Though students are more likely to keep text since it only costs ~$15.)